Trail Status FAQs Press Releases

Call for Volunteers for post Fish Passage Improvement Project monitoring

As part of the Deep Cliff Fish Passage Project, the Friends of Stevens Creek Trail are required to monitor the restoration site annually through 2028. We are looking for volunteers to help with this activity. Also, if you happen to be a student pursuing a career in environmental sciences or wildlife and habitat protection, this could be just the kind of early exposure you are looking for.

The monitoring for 2024 is likely to be a day in October or November. We will appreciate it if you can return as a volunteer in the following years as well but that's desirable and not required.

Here's information that will help you decide if you would like to volunteer:

  • This is really important work. The monitoring results will be reported to regulatory authorities like the SF Bay Water Quality Control Board and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
  • This is outdoor work at the Stevens Creek in Cupertino
  • While the hours may be shorter, be prepared to spend the entire day (8AM - 5PM)
  • The work will involve
  • Following instructions from the monitoring team leader
  • Using a cell phone or other camera device to take pictures of the log structures, vegetation, any deep pools and undercut banks located by the team leader
  • Taking notes to provide field measurements for surveys
  • Using simple measuring tools like a stadia rod, plumb bob, tape measure, etc.
  • Wading in creek water (possibly a few feet deep) to measure depth of deep pools. (Volunteers who have knee-high rain boots are advised to bring them.)
  • Working as a team - e.g. while one person takes measurements and calls them out another will need to record
  • Training on the procedures will be provided by the team leader